Marani na EnoExpo 2012 Kraków
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Marani na EnoExpo 2012 Kraków
23 października 2012 w Krakowie ogłoszono wyniki 4 konkursu winiarskiego przy ENOEXPO 2012 - medale trafiły też do Marani.
The aim of this competition is to select the best wines in specific categories, and award them with ENOEXPO® 2012 TRADE FAIR MEDALS. The competition is for producers and importers of wine, independently of whether they exhibit at ENOEXPO® 2012 or not. Participants can enter the wines which are well known and available in Poland, and those that they are planning to introduce in the Polish market.
Four Marani wines submitted to the professional blind tasting produced incredible results. Satrapezo Mtsvane 2010 was awarded by GOLD; Marani Pirosmani 2011 got SILVER, whilst Marani Mukuzani 2008 and Marani Alazani Valley Rose 2011 fell under the BRONZE medal category.
The aim of this competition is to select the best wines in specific categories, and award them with ENOEXPO® 2012 TRADE FAIR MEDALS. The competition is for producers and importers of wine, independently of whether they exhibit at ENOEXPO® 2012 or not. Participants can enter the wines which are well known and available in Poland, and those that they are planning to introduce in the Polish market.
Four Marani wines submitted to the professional blind tasting produced incredible results. Satrapezo Mtsvane 2010 was awarded by GOLD; Marani Pirosmani 2011 got SILVER, whilst Marani Mukuzani 2008 and Marani Alazani Valley Rose 2011 fell under the BRONZE medal category.